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September Arrangements

Dear Parent / Carer,

September Return Arrangements

After the Government’s announcement about lifting stage 4 restrictions, I am writing to update you about the arrangements for this September’s return to school which will be a staggered return during the week beginning 6th September.

The full guidance for schools, which comes into effect from 16 August, can be read here and the parent and carer information from the DfE can be read here.

In summary:

Upon return from the summer holidays, all Secondary age children aged 11-18, will be offered two Lateral Flow Device Tests (LFD). The first LFD test will need to be completed in our asymptomatic testing facility at Coombe Dean and return a negative result before the students’ first day back at school.

  • Students will have a second LFD test on-site, 3 -5 days after their first test. Students will follow their normal timetable and be directed to leave lessons on a rota basis, with minimum impact on learning.
  • Upon completion of the second test, there will be no further on-site testing required but home testing will continue to be encouraged twice a week for all staff and students. This guidance will be reviewed by the government at the end of September, and next steps confirmed thereafter.
  • Contact tracing within schools, unless contacted by NHS Test and Trace to help in the event of an outbreak of Covid, will cease.
  • There will be no requirement for children (or for adults who have been double vaccinated) to self-isolate if they have been identified as a close contact of a confirmed positive Covid case.
  • Face coverings for adults and children will no longer be recommended, but will be required in some classrooms with vulnerable members of staff on request.
  • There will be no requirement for social distancing.
  • Good ventilation and hand hygiene remain important.


The Lateral Flow Testing in school will follow a similar pattern to the system used when school fully reopened after lockdown in March; the testing facilities in our Sports Hall / Gym and the routines and expectations for students around testing are now familiar to most of our students.  However, our new Year 7 cohort, will be provided additional support to carry out their first test. We would actively encourage one parent/carer to join them for that first experience of a LFD Test at Coombe Dean.

The school must have a consent form completed by a parent/carer of the student, which is explained in the attached letter along with the consent form.  Students who have not completed the consent form are asked to complete the form and return it promptly either electronically using the link on the school website or printed as a hard copy and handed into the test centre.  Parents who have already completed the form do not need to resubmit a new one. 

The staggered return dates for year groups to complete their first test in September are set out in the tables below.  Please be aware that this is a change to our original published start times for all students other than Year 7 & 12 who will still return on 7th September as planned, but are required to do their first LFD test on 7th September and then return home and attend normal lessons on the 8th September.

Year 10 and 11 will have their first test on Wed 8th September and return home after the test, return to start school on Fri 10 September.

Year 8 and 9 will have their first test on Thu 9th September and return home after the test and return to start school on Fri 10 September.

The intention is for all students to be back in school having had one test by Friday 10th September and everyone to have their second test by Monday 13th September and back into the normal school routine.

Table 1 sets out the time slots for students’ first LFD test by tutor group.  We are asking parents and students to support the school by arriving on time for their slot so the testing procedure can keep on track throughout the day.

As a reminder for all students and to support Year 7 students’ families, entrance to the facility will be through the fire door on the left-hand side of the Sports Hall.  On entering the facility, the parent/student will be handed the NHS LFD registration form with three barcodes and asked to take a seat.  There will be a short explanation on how to complete the registration (it is different from registering the home test kits).  Once the student has completed the registration process, they will move to the testing area in the small gym. 

The tester will take the student through the process. When the test is complete, we are asking parents/students to depart the school site immediately. This will support the school with parking and administration. The result of the test will be uploaded to the NHS track and tracing system. If the student has a positive result, the school will contact parents.

Parents who have been unable to complete the consent form prior to attending will have the opportunity to do this after the short briefing.  There will be a facility to complete the registration form for anyone who has technology issues on the day.


Table 1 Timings for students’ first LFD test at school – please test and return home.


Tue 7th Sept

Year 7,12,13

Wed 8th Sep

Year 10/11

Thu 9th Sep

Year 8/9

09:00 to 09:10

NPB        (Yr7)

09:00 to 09:10

AWO      (Yr10)

09:00 to 09:10

VW         (Yr8)

09:30 to 09:40

DC           (Yr7)

09:25 to 09:35

JKG          (Yr10)

09:25 to 09:35

BKD         (Yr8)

10:00 to 10:10

DMA       (Yr7)

09:50 to 10:00

TL            (Yr10)

09:50 to 10:00

GLM        (Yr8)

10:30 to 10:40

LWW      (Yr7)

10:15 to 10:25

PRC         (Yr10)

10:15 to 10:25

EPC         (Yr8)

11:00 to 11:10

NB           (Yr7)

10:40 to 10:50

SJW        (Yr10)

10:40 to 10:50

LLB          (Yr8)

11:30 to 11:40

KL            (Yr7)

11:05 to 11:15

TW          (Yr10)

11:05 to 11:15

MN         (Yr8)

12:30 to 12:40

PRB         (Yr12)

12:00 to 12:10

AW         (Yr11)

12:00 to 12:10

JR            (Yr9)

12:55 to 13:05

BD           (Yr12)

12:25 to 12:35

JG            (Yr11)

12:25 to 12:35

RMD       (Yr9)

13:20 to 13:30

VT           (Yr12)

12:50 to 13:00

ALW       (Yr11)

12:50 to 13:00

DS           (Yr9)

13:45 to 13:55

LM          (Yr12)

13:15 to 13:25

NT           (Yr11)

13:15 to 13:25

AT           (Yr9)

14:10 to 14:20

HK           (Yr13)

13:40 to 13:50

AB           (Yr11)

13:40 to 13:50

SAM        (Yr9)

14:35 to 14:45

PGG        (Yr13)

14:05 to 14:15

WL          (Yr11)

14:05 to 14:15

SC            (Yr9)

 15:00 to 15:30

JA            (Yr13)

14:30 to 15:00


14:30 to 15:00



Table 2 Timings for students second LFD test at school

Fri 10th

Year groups

Mon 13th

Year groups

Period 1

Year 7

Period 1

Year 8

Period 1

Year 7

Period 1

Year 8

Period 2

Year 7

Period 2

Year 8

Period 2

Year 7

Period 2

Year 9

Period 3

Year 11

Period 3

Year 9

Period 3

Year 11

Period 3

Year 9

Period 4

Year 11

Period 4

Year 10

Period 4

Year 12

Period 4

Year 10

Period 5

Year 12

Period 5

Year 10

Period 5

Year 13

Period 5


If anyone requires any further clarification or additional information, please email

Yours faithfully



Dougie Brown
Coombe Dean Operations Manager