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Coombe Dean School

Coombe Dean School

Year 11 Parents/Carers Survey

Tell us what you think if you are a Year 11 parent/carer.

Dear parents/carers of Year 11 students,

We are inviting you to give us your feedback via the Year 11 parents/carers school survey. This is helpful for giving us an overview of parents/carers' views across the year group. We would also like you to provide your child's name so that we can follow up and respond to any issues/requests for further support raised at this crucial time in your child's school journey. The survey only displays 5 questions at first - further questions are revealed depending on your responses. The final question reads 'is there anything else you'd like us to know?', where there is space for free text response. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. It will close at 08.00 on Monday 22nd January. The link to the survey is here:

Please note that this survey is intended for parents/carers of Year 11 only. Each year group’s parents/carers will be surveyed following the calendared parents’ evening event.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey.

Best wishes,

Mr C Jacks

Assistant Headteacher

Coombe Dean School