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Common Questions and Answers


Year 6/7 Transition 2024: Frequently Asked Questions

1) Are there any forms that I need to complete?

You will need to complete several forms for us before your child starts school in September.  All of these forms will be sent to you via email and we will ask you to send them back in the same way. 

We will have been given the email address you used when you applied for your child’s school place so if this has changed, or does change in the next few months, please let us know by emailing

2) What school uniform do we need to purchase and where do we buy it from?

Up to date school uniform and PE kit requirements with details of where to buy this may be found on the school website:

Coombe Dean School - School Uniform 

3) What are the timings of the school day?

All students are expected to be lined up in their designated area for 8.35am, ready for a prompt start at 8.40am. 

There is also a bell five minutes before the end of break and lunch to help students with their time keeping.

The school day ends at 3:10pm.

4) What day do year 7 start in September?

Year 7 will start on Wednesday 4th September 2024.  All year 7 pupils should arrive to school no later than 8:35am on this day and make their way to the New Hall.  Only Year 7 & Year 12 pupils will be in school on this day. 

5) What support will be given to help with transition to Coombe Dean?

Year 7 will have their Induction Day on Thursday 4th July 2024 from 8:40am – 3:30pm.  There will be a BBQ from 3:45pm for parents to come and meet key members of staff.

We will be visiting primary schools, throughout June, to talk to pupils about what it is like at Coombe Dean and answer their questions.

During September we will be organising a Team Building Day on Site for students to get to know each other and their tutors.

We are continuing to add all new information to the Primary Transition area of our website so please have a look for a tour of the school, tutor videos and much more!

Coombe Dean School - Transition 2022

6) What equipment do we need for September?

Students will be provided with exercise books by their class teachers and they will mostly be kept in their classrooms.

All students must bring the following in a pencil case:

2 blue/black pens

1 purple pen

1 pencil

1 30cm ruler

1 pencil sharpener

1 rubber

1 Protractor

Casio FX83 scientific calculator

We would also recommend:

1 glue stick

1 pair of scissors (Rounded ends only)

1 set of basic colouring pencils

Students should keep all of their equipment in a bag. Backpacks are the most practical, which they will keep with them throughout the school day.  We would recommend a bag large enough to fit their PE kit in on days when this is needed, as this will help them to keep everything together. 

7) What public transport is available to travel to school and what is the cost?


Plymouth City Bus operate a school service for Coombe Dean with the 806 / 807 / 808 / 809 / 810 buses.  There is also a public 5/5a bus which drops off and collects from school reception.

Please follow the link below to view the Plymouth School Timetables.  Tickets are bought directly from Plymouth City Bus. All buses arrive to school by 8.25am.

Coombe Dean School subsidises the bus fare for all low-income families. To be eligible for a subsidised bus fare, your child must either receive Free School Meals or their primary parent/carer be in receipt of one of the following benefits:

  • Universal Credit
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit
  • Tax Credits (Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit)
  • Housing Benefit
  • Council Tax Support

Parents must apply for the subsidised bus fare each year. Further information on how to apply will be communicated during the Summer Term.


School transport is organised through the admissions team who will advise you on how to apply for this once you have been allocated a school place. All Devon buses arrive to school by 8.30am.

8) What is Parent Pay and how does it work?

Parent Pay is our electronic payment system. You will use this system to pay for everything at school including school dinners, trips and items from the school shop.

You will be able to add credit to your account online for your child to spend in school either using a finger print or a PIN number.  You will be sent details via email to set up your account. 

9) Will I be in a tutor group with my friends?

We try to put students with at least one other person that they have requested to be with. There will be an online form to complete that will give students the opportunity to say who they would like to be with.  Students who have listed several friends that they would like to be with may find that they are not placed in a tutor group with all their friends.  If you are not with your friend in your tutor group, you may still find you are in other lessons with them as lessons are not always taught in tutor groups.

There are many students who come to us without knowing anyone and we will try to place several of these in tutor groups together.  We are very experienced in helping students connect with other like-minded people and are confident that every student will find the right friendship group for them.

10) What is the role of a tutor and when will I find out who this is.

The tutor will be your first point of contact for parents/carers and their children.  Your tutor will be the person who will learn the most about your child as they will be with them throughout their time at Coombe Dean.  The best way to make contact with tutors is through email, which will be provided to you when you find out who your tutor is going to be in the summer term.  All staff emails follow the same pattern: Mr J Bloggs would be 

11) What extra-curricular clubs are available for my child?

The school runs a broad variety of clubs for all students. These are run at both break times and after school from 3.10pm - 4.10pm. The clubs finish at 4.10pm to allow students to access the late bus that leaves at 4.30pm. The full list of clubs is sent out at the start of each term. Students do not need to sign up they can simply attend the club at the right time on the right day with the right equipment.

Coombe Dean School - Lunchtime and After School Clubs

12) What should I do if my child is too unwell to attend school?

If your child is going to be absent due to illness, we request that you call the absence line on 01752 406961 before 9.00am, leaving your child's name, tutor group and reason for absence. We ask that you phone each day that your child will be absent from school. If no reason for absence has been provided by 9.00am, you will receive a telephone call/ text indicating that your child has not arrived for school.

13) What should I do if my child is unable to attend school for another reason?

We are unable to authorise holiday requests except in exceptional circumstances.

Where possible we request that medical appointments are made outside of school hours. If appointments are unavoidable please provide us with a copy of any appointment cards or letters.

If your child requires a period of absence from school, please collect or ask your child to collect an Absence Request Form from Reception to complete and return.

14) What should I do if my child needs to take medicine during the school day?

If your child needs to take medication during the school day you will need to complete a consent form for this medicine to be stored and administered by the school.  These can either be sent to you, upon request, or you can come into reception to complete the form.

If your child has an ongoing medical condition that requires additional support or medication we will ask you to assist in completing an Individual Health Plan (IHP). Please email us on